Where Empathy flows resilience, healing and inspiration grows.
Project Mpathy is a modern lifestyle blog created by a woman finding her way through motherhood. It exists as an open invitation to incite more empathy in people within and toward the art of parenthood.
It’s in the seismic shifts of life that the priciest transactions take place. For some, entry and/or re-entry into motherhood can be an isolating and costly season. Depression thrives in isolation and so if each day, we are able to remind even just one person that they are not alone then this is a community worth building.
Here we will implore women to reach across the aisle, try on a shoe outside their comfort zone and walk a mile in it. This will be a safe place for women to connect, identify, empathize and learn from shared adversity within motherhood. Because let’s face it, we all need to connect over more than just a child’s birth month, our favorite extracurricular activity, whether we identify as an Amazon mom, a Pinterest one or any of the other 7,552 types of moms we might be.
If you care to join the trek you have to commit to abide with compassion. Trauma is trauma. Period. Pain is pain. Hardship is hardship. This is not a place for comparison or judgement. The world offers enough of that elsewhere. This is a space to say, my hard and your hard are different and both equally real. My opinions are mine, that’s all. Not right. Just mine. I invite the deeply held opinions and experiences of others with my whole heart when they agree to listen empathetically and with genuine interest to learn, grow and see the journey from another perspective.